Birthing a Book-Baby
There’s a measly 3 weeks to go until Don’t Just Sit There, DO NOTHING is in the hands of readers and I’m not really sure how I feel about that. When I first got the book deal I thought “Ughh, it’s so far away”—an it was—a year-and-a-half, to be exact. But now that I’ve been talking about it on podcasts and in the media and gearing up for its release, it’s more, “OMG, it’s almost here, and I’m not as thrilled as I thought I’d be.”
That’s the reality of being human: we gear up and work our butts off for some future outcome and then never quite feel the high we thought we would. Or we do, and then the high is followed by a low. All of which reminds me how necessary my own book is in this world (and in my own life).
Ready or not, I’ll be celebrating its birth soon with a FREE online event and also an in-person PARTY in my idyllic town of Dobbs Ferry. Come if you can, to either or to both!
recent Forbes piece on the importance of DO NOTHING time for your own productivity and sanity!
I’m really good at it—being lazy, that is—who knew that would be my life’s calling? (I’m only 1/2 joking.) Just remember, you’re a human, not a robot.
LUJ (Love you, Jessie)