Don’t Be A Penis on TipToes
PENIS on TIPPY-TOES [noun, adj, category]
anyone whose ego is bigger than their nether region
I just did an Instagram post about this not-being-a-penis-on-tippy-toes thing... The Tao Te Ching says, "those who stand on tiptoe do not stand firm." And when they fall, they topple hard (i.e., the great fall of Mario Cuomo). Obviously, most of us are not as grandiose as some tiptoed politicians, but we all have such tendencies within us, since we all have egos. These egos are important because they make us our individual selves, but they also try to take over from time to time, covering up our truth. They can give us megalomania and self-hatred almost simultaneously. Some of us tend to oversell ourselves, others downplay our accomplishments and abilities. Enough already.
Let us aim to be exactly as we are: perfectly imperfect and humbly powerful. And also KIND!
My most popular post on TikTok this week was all about self-love. I think it's what we're all hungry for--a reminder of our own intrinsic worthiness.
And if you're wondering why I'm on Insta & TikTok so much, here's another reminder: my book is almost ready! I can't tell you how excited I am for you to read it. It's coming together beautifully and includes awesome line drawings like the one at the top of this email. You'll be the 1st to know when pre-orders are available and about all the events/interviews/giveaways that will surround its release. Here's a first look (I'm not quite ready to share the cover, so you get the inside flap for now 😉).
My dear teacher of Intuition (& much more) has written a gorgeous foreword which I'm still high off of--here's a snippet:
I'll be honest--I've been in book prep hyperdrive and a bit of a hypocrite lately. I haven't been following my own advice & I got worn out, man. Well, I'm having to re-read it one last round and it's bringing me back to center. That is what I hope it does for you!
On another note, as we get ready to be ready to transition into Fall, I want to offer you some advice from the Tao and also from the great wellness professionals over at HudCo. Check out the post I wrote on why Transitioning into Fall Doesn't Have to Suck. My favorite piece of advice: before you get serious, GO NUTS.
So here's to fun at the end of summer and beyond!
With much love,